Thursday, September 27, 2007

USBC attorney tells radio host Ramos and Compean were incorrectly charged

In an interview on the Glenn Beck radio show, USBC attorney Bill Olson explained that he has filed a brief on behalf of former Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean which could provide the help they need.

USBC had asked Olson to take a look specifically at why the sentences that Ramos and Compean had were so long, 11 and 12 years. In doing so, his team found that 10 of the years in each case was for violating federal law 18-USC-924-C, a special punishment for people who use a firearm while promote a crime of violence or a drug trafficking crime.

But Beck, the show's host, noted that that federal law was designed to work against drug cartels, and that prosecutor "Johnny Sutton went and used it against these two guys."

Olson said that one of his lawyers saw that the U.S. attorney did not indict Ramos and Compean using the language of the specific 924-C violation. The prosecutor had twisted the words of the statute so that they were not charged with any of the three verbs necessary for the charge. Rather, they were charged with an illegal discharge.

The USBC attorney said that if the court looks at the issue carefully, it will realize that Ramos and Compean were each sentenced to ten years in jail for the conviction of a crime that does not exist, and that the prosecutor twisted the language.

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