Thursday, November 29, 2007

Immigrant, illegal alien numbers are at record highs

• Nearly one-third of the immigrants in the U.S. are illegal aliens. Illegal aliens make up half of all Mexican and Central American immigrants in the U.S., and one-third of all South American immigrants in the U.S.

• Since 2000, 10.3 million immigrants have arrived. More than half the post-2000 arrivals (5.6 million) are believed to be illegal aliens.

• One-third of all immigrant-headed households, and more than half of Mexican-American households, use at least one welfare program, compared to one-fifth of native households.

• Immigration accounts for virtually all of the increase in public school enrollment in the nation over the last two decades. In 2007, there were 10.8 million school-age children from immigrant families in the United States.
These statistics were the highlights of a report published today by the Center for Immigration Studies, which reviewed the size, growth, and characteristics of the U.S. immigrant population as of March 2007.

1 comment:

  1. Hello; Can anyone explain why we have thoustnds of troupes on the Korean border? We need all those troupes on our borders, but with guns. Why do we have all those bases around the world when we need to improve the bases in the USA? Is Bush going to move to Mexico when he finally gets out of the White House? He's so gung hole for the Mexican people he should go live with them where he would be welcomed. I live in Texas & do not plan to welcome him back.


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