But once more, the Senate needs to hear from you. President Bush has urged illegals in the U.S. to demonstrate, and to contact Senators to urge passage of the Senate immigration reform bill that will give them amnesty. That Senate, our Senate, must also hear the wishes of American citizens regarding this legislation.
An open borders group, obviously well-funded by Mexico or one of the multinational corporations which benefits from illegal migration, has established a toll-free number that automatically identifies your Senators and connects you directly to their offices for free. This is one of the easiest ways to contact your senators and turns the tables on amnesty supporters.
Ignore their sales pitch for amnesty for illegal aliens and their families and use their fancy toll-free telephone service to tell your Senators that you want them to vote NO on cloture and NO on the Bush-Kennedy amnesty. Tell them passing no bill is far better than passing an amnesty for 20 million illegal aliens. That number is 800-417-7666.
I too have called, faxed and emailed our two Senators John McCain and John Kyle so many times begging them to represent Americans and not illegals! It's a sad day in America when Law makers side with law breakers against the law abiding citizens!