Isn't it interesting? While the cloture vote for the Senate amnesty bill failed last week with 53 'nay's' to 46 'yea's,' one group of Senators voted much more strongly against the bill. That group was the 33 Senators who are up for reelection in 2008. Twenty-three of them, 70 percent, voted against the immigration bill.

Democrats voting yes (6) - Biden, Del.; Durbin, Ill.; Kerry, Mass.; Lautenberg, N.J.; Levin, Mich.; Reed, R.I.
Democrats voting no (5) - Baucus, Mont.; Harkin, Iowa; Landrieu, La.; Pryor, Ark.; Rockefeller, W.Va.
Democrats not voting (1) - Johnson, S.D.
Republicans voting yes (3) - Craig, Idaho; Graham, S.C.; Hagel, Neb.;
Republicans voting no (18) = Alexander, Tenn.; Allard, Colo.; Chambliss, Ga.; Cochran, Miss.; Coleman, Minn.; Collins, Maine; Cornyn, Texas; Dole, N.C.; Domenici, N.M.; Enzi, Wyo.; Inhofe, Okla.; McConnell, Ky.; Roberts, Kan.; Sessions, Ala.; Smith, Ore.; Stevens, Alaska; Sununu, N.H.; Warner, Va.
I hope the poeple who have the power to get rid of the Goverment represenitives in their district, do their duty and vote in the comeing election. I was looking for the names in my area. If they were on the list, I would have voted aganist them in the comeing election. They have GOT TO LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE and not the lobbyist.