Monday, February 18, 2008

Mexicans hold mass wedding in Tijuana

Close to 600 Mexican couples got married in a mass Valentine's Day wedding in Tijuana, just south of the U.S. border. More than three-quarters were migrants returning from, or trying to get into the United States.

A live band blasted out Mexican love songs just a short walk from the busy San Ysidro crossing into California. A judge simultaneously married the crowd of couples whose ranged in age from 16 to 65.

Inocencio Felix declared his love for his new wife Angelica Perez. She had been deported by U.S. immigration officials two weeks earlier from the state of Oregon, where the couple met. Felix also lived in the United States illegally, and said he came back to Tijuana, near San Diego, for the mass open-air wedding.

Felix then declared their intent 'We're going to go back to the United States soon, our life is there,' he said.

Mexico's civil registry office began the mass weddings several years ago 'Many migrants do not have any kind of documents, not even a registered birth certificate, so they cannot get married. We try to resolve that,' civil registry official Silvia Alvarez said.

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