Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Cost of illegal immigrants to native New Yorkers - $874 per household per year

An analysis of the current number of illegal aliens living in New York shows that the illegal population is costing the state’s taxpayers more than $5.1 billion per year for education, medical care and incarceration. That annual tax burden amounts to about $874 per legal New York household.

Compared to a 1994 study, the burden to native New Yorkers is substantial and that the costs are rapidly increasing.

The outlays in costs incurred by New York taxpayers annually are:

New Yorkers spend more than $4.3 billion annually on education for the children of illegal immigrants. That figure does not include programs for limited English students, remedial educational programs or breakfast and lunch programs for students from low-income families. Estimates are that 11.7 percent of public school students in New York are children of illegal aliens.

Taxpayer-funded, unreimbursed medical outlays for health care provided to the state’s illegal alien population amount to about $690 million a year.

The cost of incarcerating deportable illegal aliens in New York’s state and local prisons amounts to about $165 million a year.

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