Monday, March 03, 2008

Hispanic Caucus says new immigration proposal will put Congress on the spot

Leaders of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus say it is ready to introduce a new immigration reform bill later this year. The proposal will force Congress to wrangle with the issue of legal residency for many millions of illegal aliens in the midst of the election campaign.

Congressman Joe Baca (D-California), at right, First Vice President of the Caucus, described the measure as he attended the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute in Texas. He said “It will not be comprehensive in nature, but it will include the 12 to 14 million people who are here in the United States. It will address those individuals working in agriculture, and it will address the DREAM Act,” he said.

Baca said the bill “will not be amnesty. They will be required to be in the United States, have been working, prove they've been working in the United States,” to use the program

The DREAM Act would provide educational benefits to the children of illegal immigrants. U.S. Representative Charles Gonzalez (D-Texas), also a member of the Hispanic Caucus, said it will be a key part of any measure that is floated.

The Caucus members declined to say when the new immigration reform measure might be introduced.

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