This year’s demonstrations are being organized by a group that is sanctioned by the Mexican government. Founded last year in Mexico City, the First Parliament of Mexican Migrant Leaders Living in the U.S.A. was established to give illegal alien Mexicans a voice in America’s political system.
With this effort, a foreign government is openly creating a sort of congressional representative for the illegal population of the United States. The number of illegal immigrants and their allies in the U.S. assure that the third annual marches will demonstrate pride and commitment among Latinos.
Last year, hundreds of thousands of rowdy illegal aliens flooded the streets of major cities, demanding amnesty and other rights, while threatening to shut down streets and launch economic boycotts. They burned U.S. flags and wielded racist, anti-American signs as they chanted for “derechos” (rights) in Spanish.
This would be a perfect time to get some on the job training for the new ICE Agents!